China Bus News

Ankai Made New Breakthroughs in 2020

2020 is an eventful year for Ankai as the bus maker made several breakthroughs despite a host of challenges and difficulties

2020 is an eventful year for Ankai as the bus maker made several breakthroughs despite a host of challenges and difficulties.

As a socially responsible enterprise, Ankai quickly responded to the government’s call to fight against COVID-19 earlier in 2020. Thousands of Ankai buses were mobilized to provide safe travel services for the general public. The bus maker also donated facial masks and other PPEs to many bus operators and its business partners in the overseas markets.

In response to the government’s call to build a well-connected transport network across the nation, Ankai made relentless efforts in the new energy bus sector and rolled out greener and more comfortable buses & coaches, which have been working smoothly in both urban and rural areas.

In May, Ankai officially delivered 700 units buses to its customer in Saudi Arabia, making the total number of Ankai buses & coaches in operation in the country exceed 10,000 units.

Also in May, Ankai coaches served delegates from all over China during CPC and CPPCC sessions (also known as Two Sessions), providing high-quality transportation services for delegates.

With the increasing application of 5G technologies, Ankai also sought to incorporate more advanced technologies into its products. In September, the bus maker successfully obtained the permission for the trial operation of its autonomous driving bus on the first intelligent bus route in Ankai, marking a huge step forward for the commercialization of autonomous driving buses.

In October, Ankai autonomous driving bus arrived in Macao for operation, ushering in the new era of intelligent public transportation for the city; in November, Ankai autonomous driving bus was put on display at 2020 World Intelligent Connected Vehicle Conference. It demonstrated its high maneuverability and high agility by participating in the first Intelligent Connected Commercial Vehicle Competition.

In November, Ankai high-end intelligent bus E9 and autonomous driving bus were put on display at 2020 Beijing International Exhibition on Buses, Trucks & Components, fully showcasing the bus maker’s recent achievements in some cutting-edge areas in the auto industry. The two buses won 2020 New Energy Bus Innovation Award and 2020 Intelligent Connected Bus Innovation Award.

As one of the pioneers in China’s new energy bus industry, Ankai’s Electric Bus and Related Key Spare Parts Development Project and Ankai A9 Coach Development Project won the first and second prizes for their technological innovation in Anhui province. In September, Ankai HFF6800G9EV22 and HFF6120G9EV21 won five major awards at 2020 EB-PAC China New Energy Bus Performance Competition.

In 2020, Ankai won several awards. In January, Ankai G6 electric bus was designated as the Model Bus for urban-rural public transport market and Ankai A9 coach was designated as Recommended Coach Model for passenger transportation market. In March, Ankai Best K7 won High-end Business Coach Award, Ankai G6 electic bus won Star Bus Model for urban-rural public transport market, and Ankai GS9 electric double-decker won Star City Tour Bus Model. In November, Ankai won the title as an Outstanding Bus Maker at New Energy Buses for Public Transportation Conference. In December, the bus maker won the title as a Key Bus Player in China at China on the Wheel---Commercial Vehicles to Help Build a Well-off Society.