Ye Chonggeng, the Vice Mayor of Xiamen City and Xu Xiangdong, the Deputy General Manager of King Long Bus take an photo together after issuing award to the winner
When issuing the prize to the top three women players, Xu Xiangdong, the Deputy General Manager of King Long Bus mentioned that this games offered a platform that made Xiamen and excellent Xiamen corporations attracted by the world. For nine years, King Long Bus witnessed the growing-up of Xiamen International Marathon from one region event to one golden international sport event. In the meantime, King Long actively walked in the world and continuously made breakthrough in the overseas market as the leading China bus builder for 9 years.
It is known that King Long Bus performed well in 2010 and it has got the sales income of more than 6 billion Yuan as well as the annual production & sales volume of 20,000 units, far higher than the average level of the bus industry. According to Xu Xiangdong, the vision of the company is to become the influencial passenger transport solution supplied in the world” and they will make great effort for it, just like the marathon players.