China Bus News

Fiji Bus Operator Visits Foton AUV Bus with the Help of


General Manager of the third biggest bus operator in Fiji vitied Foton AUV Bus with the help of on January 6th, 2011. Matevz Honn, Sales Director of Foton AUV Bus Sales and Marketing company received us warmly. Both parts agree with specifications and quantity of the busesm and they are going to start cooperation within this year.


Fiji bus operator visiting Foton AUV Bus
Fiji bus operator visiting Foton AUV Bus


As introduced by the Fiji bus operator, currently many buses running in Fiji are going to be upgraded, and this is a good oppurtunity for China buses. As the third biggest bus operator in Fiji, they will purchase quite a few buses each year. And Fiji is also rather influencial to many other island countries around southern Pacific Oceans.


Fiji bus operator visiting Foton AUV Bus
Fiji bus operator visiting Foton AUV Bus


Located in tropical areas and based mainly on tourism, they have some specific requirements on buses. Apart from dampproof ability, they have rather simple requirements on specifications, such as front-engine and one-front-door only.


Group photo with
Group photo with


The Fiji bus operator will visit China bus industry this March, and will continue to set up cooperation platform for both paties.