China Bus News

CSR Times Promotes the Bus Motorization of the Tourist Group


At the beginning of 2011, “CSR Zhuzhou” and “SG Automotive Group” have successfully started their cooperation. On one hand, the production line of CSR Zhuzhou has been extended and more than 20 models of electric buses have been produced. On the other hand, the cooperation also has promoted the combination of the vehicle and systematic products.

At present, CSR Times has rebuilt 9 models of vehicle platform and the public bus production line has been formed.

With the development of China’s economy, tourism has entered into the 10 years of golden development. So comfortable and energy saving are the key point of the selection of the tourism vehicle. In order to protect the environment of the tourism spot, many tourism spot prefer buying the electric bus in bulk as the shuttle bus. And this trend is becoming stronger and stronger. The electric buses in the tourism spot are the majority of the city public transportation. CSR electric bus, together with Huanghai bus, developed the platform for three models of tourist buses. And they are actively marching for the team tourist bus which will promote the motorization development of the team tourist bus.