Today’s hybrid systems have addressed the propulsion technology leap necessary to reduce fuel consumption that powers buses. There is still room for improvement in efficiency and operational cost savings. Vanner Inc., headquartered in Hilliard, Ohio, developed a technology to increase power efficiency and reduce operational and maintenance costs with the introduction of the Vanner Hybrid Beltless Alternator (HBA).
The HBA is a high voltage DC-DC converter that will power all of the accessory loads currently being supported by the alternator. In a partnership with GM-Allison Hybrid, Vanner is launching the HBA on production buses designed with the Allison EP Hybrid System.
Allison began working with Vanner in 2005 on smart ways to electrify vehicles’ electrical systems with the GM-Allison EP Hybrid System. Vanner and GM-Allison Hybrid have been doing extensive engineering testing on a DC-DC converter that eliminates belt driven alternators on buses.
The Vanner HBA converts DC power from the output of a high-voltage motor to supply 24V power to the electrical accessories. Hybrid systems designed with the Vanner HBA supply power for electrical accessories with a solid-state device, not a mechanical one.
Solid-state technology is a more efficient and stable DC power source than traditional mechanical solutions and it is less susceptible to temperature changes. Powering accessory loads with the Vanner HBA is 25 percent-30 percent more efficient than traditional alternators. Additional cost savings are realized on the production of new buses when specifying the Vanner HBA—highmaintenance, belt-driven components can be removed from the bus, including the alternator, V-belts, voltage regulator, pulleys, belt tensioner, and hydraulic oil lines. Air ducts required to cool alternators in high-temperature, under-hood environments can also be eliminated, further reducing the cost of a new bus.