Over 3700 EV Battery Swap & Charging Facilities to Establish in Shandong
It is known that the number of electric vehicles (EV) will exceed 100000 units by the end of 2015, including more than 7000 electric city buses from the conference of the committee of customer relationship of Shandong Electric Power Corporation.
It is known that the number of electric vehicles (EV) will exceed 100000 units by the end of 2015, including more than 7000 electric city buses from the conference of the committee of customer relationship of Shandong Electric Power Corporation.
According to the related prediction, there will be more than one million electric vehicles in China by 2015. To ensure the smooth application of electric vehicles, Shandong Electric Power Corporation will fully start the construction of swapping and recharging stations, properly launch the demonstration projects of recharging service for intercity electric vehicles and lead the relevant promotion and application in Shandong province. In the future five years, the swapping and recharging service network will be established along Beijing-Shanghai Highway (the old one) and Jinan-Qingdao Highway and one facility will be found every other 30 or 50 kilometers.
In the future five years, more than 3700 swapping and recharging service facilities will set up in Shandong province, including 22 integrated charging stations, 155 battery swap stations, 540 battery distribution stations and 3000 AC charging posts.