Zhongtong Bus Wins Three Awards for New Energy City Buses
It is known this competition is themed by “green tour, innovative new driving, cooperation and sharing” and 20 bus builders with 25 buses as well as 15 new energy bus power producers participated into the competition. Zhongtong Bus Holding Co., Ltd. (Zhongtong Bus for short) wins three awards: “Elite Award” for 12-meter hybrid power LCK6121HEV, “the Second Prize of EREV Bus for 12-meter EREV (Extended Range Electric Vehicle) LCK6121GEV and “Best Bus Builder for the Application of China New Energy Buses”.
On 8th August, the news release of the second “CENS Cup” China (Kunming) New Energy City Bus Competition was held and the result of this competition is revealed, which was held in Kunming City from 20th to 22nd July 2011 and guided by Science and Technology Division of China Urban Transportation Association, Kunming Municipal Transport Bureau and Kunming Municipal Science and Technology Bureau.
It is known this competition is themed by “green tour, innovative new driving, cooperation and sharing” and 20 bus builders with 25 buses as well as 15 new energy bus power producers participated into the competition. Zhongtong Bus Holding Co., Ltd. (Zhongtong Bus for short) wins three awards: “Elite Award” for 12-meter hybrid power LCK6121HEV, “the Second Prize of EREV Bus for 12-meter EREV (Extended Range Electric Vehicle) LCK6121GEV and “Best Bus Builder for the Application of China New Energy Buses”.

12-meter hybrid power LCK6121HEV
LCK6121GEV is the serial hybrid power city bus, available for charging, based on the cooperation of Zhongtong Bus and Tsinghua University. This model is equipped with 240AH battery pack, Taiwan ATIEVA battery management system, triple-phase asynchronous motor, Cummins ISDE160 engine for auxiliary power and ECAS air suspension system, advantageous in high efficient power utility, long constant driving range (over 100 kilometer in the working condition of city buses with electric power driving), and light noise.

12-meter EREV LCK6121GEV
LCK6121HEV is the first application of low floor on the hybrid power system in China. The data shows that the energy consumption of this model reduces more than 30% than the conventional bus, over 13.5L fuel saved per one hundred kilometers and 67500L fuel saved more than the conventional bus in service life. Compared with the conventional bus with the same class, such model is more outstanding in environment protection and emission reducing: 8.032 tons carbon reduced, 3-5db lighter, outfitted with low floor, one-step, electric device for the wheelchairs to facilitate passengers’ getting on or off and the disabled.