China Bus News

Smith Electric & Trans Tech Introduce Electric School Bus

Electric Vehicles and Trans Tech Bus unveiled the first all-electric, zero-emission Newton? eTrans. The vehicle debuted at the National Association for Pupil Transportation"s Annual Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Newton eTrans is available for order NOW and will be shipped in early 2012. America"s 480,000 school buses burn an estimated 822 million gallons of diesel fuel every year at a cost of nearly $3.2 billion, the Newton operates at one-third to one-half the cost of a traditional diesel, according to Smith.

Smith Electric Vehicles and Trans Tech Bus unveiled the first all-electric, zero-emission Newton™ eTrans. The vehicle debuted at the National Association for Pupil Transportation"s Annual Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Newton eTrans is available for order NOW and will be shipped in early 2012. America"s 480,000 school buses burn an estimated 822 million gallons of diesel fuel every year at a cost of nearly $3.2 billion, the Newton operates at one-third to one-half the cost of a traditional diesel, according to Smith.

The 42-passenger Newton eTrans travels up to 120 miles on a single charge at speeds of up to 50 mph, ideal for the fixed routes in urban areas most school buses take each day. The bus also utilizes Smith Power, using the latest in lithium ion battery technology and regenerative braking technology that will transfer energy from the brakes to the batteries when the vehicle is in operation.