China Bus News

The First Batch of 756 Natural Gas City Buses Serve Qingdao City

2011-11-24     :
On November 22nd, the first batch of 756 new buses were put into use in Line 212, Line 219, Line 319, Line 322 and Line 605 etc, following another 444 new buses at the end of 2011. All these new buses are natural gas buses, 1200 units of which would be used in 39 routes at the end of the year.

On November 22nd, the first batch of 756 new buses were put into use in Line 212, Line 219, Line 319, Line 322 and Line 605 etc, following another 444 new buses at the end of 2011. All these new buses are natural gas buses, 1200 units of which would be used in 39 routes at the end of the year.

"In Line 373 and Line 369, 49 new buses, in-walls and roof of which are made of aluminum-plastic steel, are safer." the worker of Hongda Bus Company said and the new buses were equipped with new ticket terminals which had voice prompts after swiping the card. Besides, GPS intellectual dispatching systems were used in other new buses and more natural gas buses would replace the old buses.