Allison Transmission has reached a major milestone in the manufacturing of bus and coach hybrids by producing its 5,000th H 40/50 EP system. Reduced fuel consumption and lower vehicle exhaust gas emissions allow operators to save money and help protect the environment. Savings are also achieved by increased service brake life and reduced loads on the vehicle’s engine. Passengers enjoy the benefit of a smoother, quieter ride as battery energy is blended with engine output during propulsion.
Most recently, fleet operators in Norway and Germany increased the number of Allison hybrid buses in their inventories with the addition of articulated Solaris Urbino 18 buses. Allison Transmission states that, “every North American original equipment bus manufacturer and five international bus producers offer the Allison H 40/50 EP hybrid system.” Allison Transmission estimates that by October 2011, Allison-equipped hybrid buses had saved 20.7 million gallons of diesel fuel and avoided approximately 204,900 metric tons of C02 from being emitted into the atmosphere.
Allison Transmission has developed hybrid systems since the early 1990’s, including work on both series and parallel hybrid technology. As a result of Allison’s success in hybrid systems for buses and coaches, Allison is currently developing another family of hybrid products, the first of which is the H 3000.
This new hy-brid product is targeted for trucks and other medium-duty commercial applications. H 3000 production will begin in 2013. The second member of this family of hybrid products, the H 4000, is expected to be available in 2014.