China Bus News

17 King Long Food Safety Detection Buses Delivered to Kunming

The delivery ceremony of 17 King Long food safety detection buses was held in Kunming on June 17, 2013, and each bus is equipped with spectrum detection, detection of pesticide residue and animal testing. And the buses will provide long-term testing for food safety in Yunnan province.
The delivery ceremony of 17 King Long food safety detection buses was held in Kunming on June 17, 2013, and each bus is equipped with spectrum detection, detection of pesticide residue and animal testing. And the buses will provide long-term testing for food safety in Yunnan province. 

Yunnan provincial government received many bidding letter for the buses, and King Long buses got the bidding for their brand identity and rich vehicle manufacturing experiences. King Long Bus pays much attentions on the order, and they deployed detailed changement scheme for the buses. 

There are three row of seats including in driving cabin, and there are also food safety testing area, sample handling area and fast checking area. And spectrum detection, detection of pesticide residue and animal testing equipment are used on the bus. The bus can finish all the testing procedures and power supply system is equipped in the bus to ensure long time run of the devices.