China Bus News

China's Potential Development on New Energy City Bus Markets

The frequent haze weather in China urges more use of new energy vehicles. Traditional gas fulled vehicles cannot meet energy-saving and emission reduction needs. And new energy public transport vehicles have to be used.  33 of the 47 monitored cities have heavy pollution and China petrol independance has risen from 54% to 58% with no oil conservation.
The frequent haze weather in China urges more use of new energy vehicles. Traditional gas fulled vehicles cannot meet energy-saving and emission reduction needs. And new energy public transport vehicles have to be used. 

33 of the 47 monitored cities have heavy pollution and China petrol independance has risen from 54% to 58% with no oil conservation. 

23,600 new energy buses were produced in May, and 16,000 of which are hybrid buses, and 3,500 of which are hybrid plug-in buses, and 4,900 of which are pure electric buses. Sales of new energy buses took 10% of large bus markets, and sales of electric buses just took 0.1%, much lower than the percentage in Japan and Europe.