China Bus News

Dongfeng Sells 12,475 LCVs in Sep.

As shown in production and sales data of major products in Sep., Dongfeng Automobile achieved its production of 22,366 units increasing 15.57%, in which light commercial vehicle takes up 11,037 units decreasing 6.81%. Sales were 22,643 units increasing 21.68%, in which light commercial vehicle takes up 12,475 units increasing 4.18%.

: As shown in production and sales data of major products in Sep., Dongfeng Automobile achieved its production of 22,366 units increasing 15.57%, in which  light commercial vehicle takes up 11,037 units decreasing 6.81%. Sales were 22,643 units increasing 21.68%, in which light commercial vehicle takes up 12,475 units increasing 4.18%.

In the first nine months, accumulative output is 192,238 units decreasing 7.17%. Accumulative sales are 201,784 units decreasing 1.79%.

Production and Sales Data of Major Products in September of Dongfeng as follows